12 October – Fiesta Nacional de España or Day of Spain

12 October - Fiesta Nacional de España or Day of Spain

The holiday commemorates the ‘meeting of two worlds’ that is Europe and America, which took place on 12 October 1492. It is the day that commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus to America. The day on which the two worlds, European and American, came together for the first time. The day from which a real revolution in the perception of the world, its history and culture began.

It is one of the most important days in Spain, as a public holiday for all workers.

Spain Day – historical overview
In the year 1914 Spain first celebrated 12 October as Fiesta de la Raza Española (‘Festival of the Spanish Race’), to change this name to Día de la Raza in 1915. In 1918, the celebration becomes a national holiday. In 1958, the name was changed to Fiesta de la Hispanidad . Today, the Fiesta Nacional de España is celebrated in Spain. The celebrations are combined today with the memorial of Blessed Mother of Pilar, patron of Spain and Spanish speakers, which falls on this day.

Columbus Day – one holiday, different names
Let’s start from the beginning, that is… 1492. This is the year in which the famous ‘Discovery of America’ by the crew of Christopher Columbus is dated.

In almost every Latin American country, Columbus Day is celebrated slightly differently. It also has its own name in different countries. Columbus Day in Spain is Día de la Hispanidad. However, back in South America (in the vast majority of countries) it is called Día de la Raza. In Argentina, on the other hand, you may come across the original name Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural, which can be translated as ‘Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity’. In the United States, this holiday is also celebrated, but there it is simply ‘Columbus Day’.

Celebrating Spain
And how is this holiday celebrated in Spain? For the people of Spain, this day has a double significance, as it coincides with the feast of the Madonna del Pilar (La Virgen del Pilar) – the patron saint of Spain. On this occasion, Madrid hosts a festive military parade and air show, with the royal family attendance.

In many regions, residents wear regional costumes to honour their patron saint. Besides, as Spaniards usually do: they party and feast!

So Feliz día de la Hispanidad!!! ♥️ 🇪🇸 ♥️

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